Don’t Buy A New Construction Home Without a Real Estate Agent

A very unfortunate situation and another reason why buyers should always have representation. Especially with new construction homes.

Why do you need an agent as a buyer? Because you need someone to give you a second opinion on the builder, and all the terms of the contract. Also the agent is typically compensated by the seller so it’s no cost to you (in most cases)

The person in the sales office of new constructions communities 9/10 will be a licensed real estate professional, but their interest lie in the builder that they work for not yours. So no matter how friendly they are always have your own representation.

There are lots of builders who have a horrible track records and they will simply start building in an empty plot of land and because that model home smells great and it’s nicely furnished you have no idea what issues this builder have given for other consumers.

“Caveat Emptor” if you are buying a home without representation.

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